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  The Sun Will Never Charm Them 45 Stillmoor Dresh Monesky would like you to kill the Blood Drained in northwestern Burlingham. Stillmoor was ruined before I was born, but I fight so my children will see it restored. First, we must wrest it from the Endless Court. Their leaders feed upon the Blood Drained. Ridding Stillmoor of these sympathizers will make it easier to retake the kingdom. It is hard to imagine willingly giving yourself to the thirst of a vampire, but the Blood Drained do just that. Their attempts to curry favor repulse every true son and daughter of Mathosia. The day will come when all the Endless Court's lackeys will be driven from our borders. Rid Burlingham of the Blood Drained, and we are that much closer to ridding Stillmoor of the Endless Court. Return to Dresh Monesky in Crusader's Advance True Dresh Monesky Dresh Monesky Never 2599 4500 Kill Guardian    
  A Strange Disappearance 41 Iron Pine Peak Brother Jebiah wants you to speak with members of the Icewatch and see if you can find any information on the fate of the Guardian patrol. Welcome to the Chancel, [%NAME]. It is good the Vigil has delivered you to me at this dark time. In a recent effort to bring the Icewatch to the full light of the Vigil, we have been cooperating with their soldiers in patrolling the area. Unfortunately, a patrol we left under the Icewatch's command failed to check in yesterday, and the Icewatch has thus far claimed to know nothing of their fate. A secret mission you say? I have no doubt our soldiers are more than a match for this outlaw. That the patrol went missing on such a straightforward mission has me worried. I had trusted our men to the Icewatch. They will face the full power of the Vigil if I find that trust was misplaced. Return to Brother Jebiah at The Chancel of Labors True Brother Jebiah Brother Jebiah Never 879 1380 Talk Guardian    
  Stalking Prey: Errant Wrecker 30 Scarwood Reach Deliver the Errant Wrecker's Tusk Trophy to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice. Still sparking with arcane energy, this tusk from the Errant Wrecker is a fitting trophy for the finest hunter. Turn the trophy in to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice to increase your standing with the hunters there. That Errant Wrecker didn't give you any trouble, did it, [%Name]? Well, I'm sure some collector will find a use for its tusk. Here is your token, hunter. How many more before you pass the test?   Deliver the Errant Wrecker's Tusk Trophy to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice False   Andrik Bogdin Always 1260 3150 Deliver Defiant    
  A Deeper Mystery 37 Moonshade Highlands Kira Thanos has sent you to retrieve Akylios Orbs from the depths of the Acrid Basin, north of the Seersage Camp, so that she can get a closer look at them. Something is drawing the Abyssal here, something linked to their twisted lord, Akylios. Normally I wouldn't be so sure, but I've seen them go to the water to give offerings and praise Akylios's name. Something is hidden in the depths of the Acrid Basin. We need to find out what. The statues you saw in the Acrid Basin are too old to have been put there by the Abyssals. Who then placed them there, and why? The power orbs, however, sound like a recent addition. The Abyssals may believe Moonshade holds clues as to the location of their lost god. I have much to report on, it seems. What mysteries could be hiding deep within these lakes? Bring Akylios Orbs to Kira Thanos in Acrid Basin True Kira Thanos Kira Thanos Never 1826 3780        
  Desolate Husks 39 Moonshade Highlands Bring this Runemarked Scrap to Quartermaster Balint at Reclaimer's Hold for further inspection. This scrap of metal shone brightest amongst the mangled remains of the fallen golem. The dwarven runebinders were at the pinnacle of their art when they crafted such monstrosities. Perhaps someone at Reclaimer's Hold will find this scrap useful? Why, this is a scrap of one of the Greater Golems! How did you manage to take one down? You've clearly got a neck thicker than Borrin Gammult, and he's got a thick neck! One day I might be able to craft this scrap into armor that will help you combat the evil forces that plague these grounds.   Bring the Runemarked Scrap to Quartermaster Balint at Reclaimer's Hold True   Quartermaster Balint Never 2007 3960        
  Technology Confiscation 44 Iron Pine Peak Uriel Chuluun would like you to sabotage Abyssal Power Stones in the Iceworks Laboratory beneath Icewatch Outpost. My scouts report stolen Defiant magitech being powered by an elaborate network in the lower depths of Icewatch Outpost. I need you to fight your way inside and sabotage their Power Stones. This should buy us time to find out what they're experimenting on. That was fast. You are truly a credit to our people. Now we have only moments to plan our next step; the Abyssal aren't going to be disabled for long. Go with caution, [%NAME]. The Abyssal have manipulated magitech machinery to serve their dark purposes, and they prefer to take prisoners alive! Return to Uriel Chuluun in Exile's Den True Uriel Chuluun Uriel Chuluun Never 2495 4410 Collect Defiant    
  A Trail of Trolls 32 Scarwood Reach Andrei Alexi asks that you escort Kayfax along the outskirts of Perspice. Afterwards, report to Ilya Matriosha at The Tusk and Tinder Inn in Perspice. Loggers have been disappearing in the wastes, and now people have been vanishing in Perspice. We have an excellent tracker named Kayfax, but she is a potent spirit who will need supervision. Right now, you two are the only hope those missing villagers have. Well done. I heard Kayfax picked up a trail that heads northwest into Trollblight Caverns. That area is fraught with trolls, and while I believe they lack the finesse to grab villagers from town without us knowing, we need to follow this lead. Andrei believes this Kayfax creature can locate the missing villagers. I'm not so sure, but I have exhausted all other avenues. Speak with Ilya Matriosha in Perspice True Andrei Alexi Ilya Matriosha Never 1412 3330 Talk Defiant    
  No Escape but Death 50 Shimmersand Kill Akalan Vassals, Akalan Drudges, and Dune Bullies in the Dunes of Akala, west of Gritsquall Haven. We've received reports that Akala's indebted slaves are scouring the northern deserts for riches and planar power. Kill the creatures she uses to command her slaves before Akala's power grows further. Good work, [%NAME]. Her slaves are tirelessly devoted to her, and all for the promise of riches. Without hulking creatures to command her minions, we can hope that her organization will soon collapse. The Akalan Vassals, Akalan Drudges, and Dune Bullies can be found throughout the Dunes of Akala. Slay them before Akala's power is unstoppable. Return to Josyr Mahndi at Gritsquall Haven True Josyr Mahndi Josyr Mahndi Never 3150 4950        
  The Weight of Commodity 26 Stonefield Arnold Mays in Granite Falls would like you to collect Stonespores from the Towering Steppes southwest of Granite Falls. Few civilian scholars venture this far into Stonefield, though many have heard of our rare Stonespores. They'd pay a premium for samples if you could harvest some for me. You Defiants aren't above earning some coin, are you? Good - all of these Stonespores are in great condition. Did you use some kind of fancy Defiant gadget, or are you just that good at picking fungi? I've got a business to run here. You can appreciate that, right? Get me my Stonespores if you want your coin. Bring the Stonespores to Arnold Mays at Camp Fergos True Arnold Mays Arnold Mays Never 983 2790 Collect      
  Into the Fray 47 Iron Pine Peak Sentinel Bovich asks that you speak with Defender Dulvain at Thedeor's Shield. The Storm Legion used the bombs as a diversion so they could move to Cloudbourne Caverns. They were transporting magical devices like those you described from Howling Caves. A small contingent of Icewatch pursued them, but without your help, they will not be able to stop the Storm Legion. You're just in time, [%NAME]. The Storm Legion has settled in for the final battle.   Speak with Defender Dulvain at Thedeor's Shield True Sentinel Bovich Defender Dulvain Never 1126 1560 Talk      
  Energy Analysis 24 Stonefield Uriel Chuluun has asked you to use her Energy Extractor to collect planar death energy from around the Deepstrike Excavation. The Energy Extractor will cause glyphs to appear when near a strong deposit of energy. Have you ever seen anything like this, [%NAME]? It seems to be some sort of amplifier. Someone must have expended a lot of their own magical energy to power such a device. I need to continue my attempts to reverse engineer the machine, but I think I have a way to learn more about its creator. It's hard to believe that all these deposits of magic were created by one person. The energy from the machine is the same type. This power, it's like nothing I've ever felt before. I need to have more so that I can make a full report. See those tubes that go into the rock in the direction of the mines? That can't be good. I'm afraid that the purpose of this machine may be to amplify the undeath that plagues Deepstrike Mines across the rest of Stonefield Return to Uriel Chuluun at Deepstrike Excavation True Uriel Chuluun Uriel Chuluun Never 857 2610        
  The Enemy You Know 31 Scarwood Reach Collect Moonshade Pendants from Fellpine Moonshadows, Armored Collars from Fellpine Nightstalkers, and Life-Etched Bracers from Fellpine Blackthorns in Granitewood Haunt. We are now at war with a new battalion of enemies: the Fellpine Aelfwar. Their mastery of nature magic is greater than any I've ever seen. I need you to investigate the Fellpine and bring back anything that will help us understand their bond with nature. So, these are the devices the various Fellpine Aelfwar carry on their persons? They are certainly of a unique design. I believe they may help us fight the Aelfwar on even ground. Each class seems to carry a unique piece of gear. See if you can bring some back to me. Bring the Fellpine devices to Serge Iakov at Granite Watch True Serge Iakov Serge Iakov Never 1335 3240 Collect Defiant    
  Whitefall Vanguard 35 Whitefall Steppes Confront the Defiant in Whitefall Steppes and move the Shard of Stormstone from their base into the Guardian base. The air rift at Whitefall Steppes has been causing Stormstones shards to appear in the towns. When the shards are combined they form an artifact of great power. This fact has not gone unnoticed by the heathen Defiants, who have sent a retrieval team to Whitefall. Join the Brigade [%NAME]. I need someone to storm the Defiants' base, and assemble a completed artifact. Well done, [%Name]. I knew I could count on you. Defending the base, stopping the theft of our Shard, and killing the Defiants are all important missions. But of paramount importance is the recovery of the Defiants' shard. Return to Marshal Willa in Sanctum of the Vigil True Marshal Willa Marshal Willa Never 2205 4800        
  Dabbling in the Forbidden 46 Iron Pine Peak Faceless Man has asked you to disrupt the death ritual taking place in Dayblind Hollows and report back to him with your findings. I have an assignment for you, [%NAME], if you're interested. I've had reports that a strange ritual is taking place in the Dayblind Hollows area. I was going to send Kira to investigate, but she seems to be tied up elsewhere. I'd like you to take over her assignment. So Kira was there, but Uriel attacked her? I've not seen either of them act like this before. This situation must be dealt with, [%NAME]. Those two are my best operatives. Thank you for informing me. I must leave for Stillmoor soon, but I may need your skills there as well if Kira continues to be difficult. Whatever that ritual is we need to take care of it sooner rather than later. I don't know where Kira is, but she and I are going to have words when I see her. Return to the Faceless Man at Illumination Point True Faceless Man Faceless Man Never 2705 4590        
  Cracking the Codex 1 Guild Quest Your guild has been asked to defend The Codex for the forces of the Defiants. [%GUILD_NAME] is needed in the hills of Stonefield. Our researchers were trying to crack the secrets of a mysterious relics when the Guardians came in and began causing trouble for us. Help fight them off so the archeologists can do their work. [%GUILD_NAME] has done well. We have gleaned much from the relic. We need the secrets of The Codex! Return to Ignacia Bulwart in Meridian False   Ignacia Bulwart Weekly 12 540       3
  Workorder: Chromite Sabatons 29 Sanctum Miron Ledino wants you to craft Chromite Sabatons. There is little left to the once great Scarwood Reach, the mighty forest was consumed by the tyrant to fuel his war efforts. Yet the Iron Claw Trackers persist in their aid to the Sanctuary Guard despite the devastation. A gift of Chromite Sabatons to Miron Ledino would help their members and our crusade. Thank you [%NAME]. These Chromite Sabatons will aid our members in this ruined land. Have you finished those Chromite Sabatons yet? Return to Miron Ledino in Scarwood Reach. False   Miron Ledino Daily   2040        
  Derailed Agenda 32 Scarwood Reach Uriel Chuluun wants you to disarm the undetonated Life Imbued Bombs located around Perspice. I'll have to examine these plans in greater detail, but I think I might be able to make something out of this mess. These markings around Perspice are potential attack points! If Life Imbued Bombs were detonated at those locations, Perspice will fall! [%NAME], you've derailed the Aelfwar plans and saved Perspice! If the worshippers of Greenscale ever find the courage to launch a direct assault, they'll have to face the full strength of the town's defenders. That is a fight I am certain we would win. You need to disarm those bombs! Return to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice True Uriel Chuluun Uriel Chuluun Never 1412 3330 Use Item Defiant    
  Replacement Wands 10 Silverwood Jenna Gemara wants you to craft Yew Wands using the workbench in Argent Glade. The ruffians over at Quicksilver College are always breaking their wands and coming to me for replacements! Could you do me a huge favor, and make me another batch of Yew Wands [%NAME]? Excellent job [%NAME]! Those Yew Wands should easily last twice as long as their old ones. Have you finished those Yew Wands yet? Return to Jenna Gemara in Argent Glade False Jenna Gemara Jenna Gemara Never   450        
  Workorder: Carmintium Longswords 47 Sanctum Quartermaster Kemar wants you to craft Carmintium Longswords. In deserts of Shimmersand, far to the south, the members of the Dragonslayer Covenant patrol the trackless wastes in search of the activities of the cults. Theirs is a noble task and they have been staunch allies of ours. If you could deliver a shipment of Carmintium Longswords to their quartermaster, Quartermaster Kemar, to aid their warriors it would show our support for their cause. Thank you [%NAME]. You have journeyed far to bring us these much needed supplies. We will not forget this kindness. Have you finished those Carmintium Longswords yet? Return to Quartermaster Kemar in Wyrmbane Spire False   Quartermaster Kemar Daily   3120        
  Welcome to the Fight 41 Iron Pine Peak If you're interested in learning more of the Icewatch, Theo Darson has instructed you to speak with Lord-Protector Nerval in The Chancel of Labors. You're not the first [%FACTION_SINGULAR] to come here, [%NAME]. Your organization is undoubtedly powerful, but is secondary when compared to the resolve and faith of the Icewatch. If you were to participate in our initiation rites, you would see the truth of the matter. Ah, [%NAME], Theo told me to expect you. While participation will not make you a member of the Icewatch, I trust you will come to better understand the power of Thedeor by the conclusion of these rites. Let us get started.   Speak with Lord-Protector Nerval in The Chancel of Labors True Theo Darson Lord-Protector Nerval Never 879 1380 Talk      
Records 2081 to 2100 of 2372

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