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  Bled Reckoning 45 Stillmoor Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise would like you to kill Mathosian Champions, Profane Symbols, and Men-at-Arms in Belmont. [%Name], Mathosia is cursed to lose its history to the devious acts and dark magics of dead noblemen. We can't sit idle-handed while our heritage is defiled by madmen and monsters. Help us! Defeat their Mathosian Champions and Men-at-Arms, and dispel the Profane Symbols. The loss of their Mathosian Champions and Men-at-Arms won't stop the Endless Court, and the Profane Symbols will be recreated. Your acts, however, show them that we will not sit idly by while they destroy what remains of my beloved empire. The magic and monsters that make up the Endless Court must be defeated, [%Name]. Return to Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise True Ivitch Retsky Ivitch Retsky Never 2599 4500 Kill Defiant    
  Seek and Destroy 34 Scarwood Reach Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham's Strike has asked you to use his spectacles to track down the notorious ranger Kelynn Eregor. There is a ruthless ranger in the woods around this place that must be stopped. The elven mistress, Kelynn Eregor, has been thwarting our efforts and killing civilians in the name of the Aelfwar. It's time she's brought to justice, [%NAME]. Killing Kelynn is a gift to Perspice as well as the Defiant, [%NAME]. Your name will echo across the halls of Meridian for this. Hurry, Kelynn struck recently, and can't have gotten to far. Return to Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham's Strike True Lotham Darkmoon Lotham Darkmoon Daily 1571 3510 Daily Defiant    
  Strewn Across the Plains 36 Moonshade Highlands Braellia Taviri wants you to speak with Raish Komarr at Timberveil, located in Moonshade Highlands. I've heard rumors of wondrous magical artifacts strewn across Moonshade Highlands. A sprawling land that was once home to the dwarves before Regulos attacked, this region sounds ripe for the picking. Speak to Raish Komarr when you arrive. Stake your claim on this land for the Defiant! Braellia sent you, did she? Well, she wasn't lying about there being artifacts here, but we've got to understand what happened here first. I'm told you can walk in any direction in Moonshade Highlands and find magical ruins protruding from the dirt within minutes. It's very far away, but my friend Raish Komarr says it's worth the journey. Speak to him in Timberveil if you're interested. Speak with Raish Komarr at Timberveil True Braellia Taviri Raish Komarr Never 696 1230        
  The Abbots of Sanctum 13 Sanctum Lila Medows wants you to talk with the other Abbots and Abbesses of Sanctum to learn of the city's history and purpose. When you are done, present yourself to Cyril, champion of the Vigil. The journey from Divine Landing can be dangerous and full of peril, especially when one is becoming accustomed to life once again. Take the time to explore this holy city. I am the Abbess of Tavril, the land. Talk to the other Abbots and they will tell you about the history of this holy city. When the first Ascended dwarf, Borrin Gammult, was on a pilgrimage north he witnessed the miracle of this island rising out of the sea. He declared that he would build a Basilica to honor the gods atop it. Welcome to Sanctum, [%NAME]. Stay here in Sanctum as long as you wish, we have need of crafters, scholars, and instructors to build this city into a shining beacon, as well as soldiers, battle mages, crusaders, and operatives to defend ourselves from the onslaught of the elemental invasions, the machinations of the dragon cults, and the heresy of the Defiants. Whatever the Vigil's purpose in bringing you back to Telara, I am honored to have met you. Welcome to Sanctum, [%NAME]. We all wish to celebrate your arrival, but first it is the custom to speak with each of the abbots of the five districts of our city. Come back after speaking with them. Present yourself to Cyril Kalmar in the Sanctum of the Vigil True Lila Medows Cyril Kalmar Never 126 540 Talk      
  Secret of the Pines 25 Gloamwood Gwyddon Duskenleaf wants you to travel northwest from Gloamwood Pines to Tearfall Run and use the Forest Altar there to speak with Laria. No man, beast, or spirit knows the old magic of these woods better than Laria, so we must invoke her spirit once again in order to seek her council on this issue. Travel swiftly, [%NAME]; the welfare of Gloamwood's people rests on your ability to reach her. Welcome, [%NAME]. I sense you have come to seek my council in these desperate times. I fear I may be indirectly responsible for the fate of these people. Come, I will tell you what I can.   Speak with Laria at the Forest Altar in Tearfall Run True Gwyddon Duskenleaf Laria Never 368 900 Talk Guardian    
  Blood Resources 42 Iron Pine Peak Thall Heleman wants you to locate the missing Survival Gear and deliver it to Neslin Veris at Red Gold Claim. Excuse me, [%CLASS], but I'm in need of a brave soul. My two friends are depending on my shipment of Survival Gear, but the courier is long overdue. They'll never survive the Blood Iron Pools without that equipment! Please, recover the lost supplies and complete the delivery! Ah, well you ain't exactly a looker, but you're a sight for these sore eyes! We were about to try eating a basilisk, but I fear it would've had an easier time eating the both of us. Thank you, [%NAME]! Ahoy, there! You didn't happen to pass a courier on the road here, did you? We haven't had a food supply in days and are starting to worry that we have been left here to starve! Deliver the Survival Gear to Neslin Veris at Red Gold Claim True Thall Heleman Neslin Veris Never 918 1410 Talk      
  Secret of the Sands 50 Iron Pine Peak Olmos the Delver suggests that you hurry to Harlan's Lament in the Droughtlands. There, in an ancient holy site atop the massive, wind-carved rock, lies a copy of the knowledge Chekharoth was seeking. Olmos sees the White Dragon's plot. It is not clever, but perilous enough. The Dragon seeks to free the air spirit Yor, the madness of the storm, to scour the lands of the fleshlings as it did during the Age of Dragons. Olmos knows where to find the same knowledge which the White Dragon holds. The Dragon's gaolers can make use of this. This is most dire news, [%NAME]. According to legend, Yor is a fury that not even Crucia could fully control. Instead, she aimed Yor on a path and watched the kingdoms of men tremble. Yor cannot be allowed to return to our world! Please, [%NAME], retrieve this knowledge of which Olmos spoke and return here immediately. It sounds like we have no time to lose! Bring the Codex of Yor to Lord-Protector Nerval in The Chancel of Labors True Olmos the Delver Lord-Protector Nerval Never 4200 6600 Collect      
  Wayward Package 15 Freemarch The courier sent to deliver water elementals to Warden's Rise never made it. Find the Wayward Package and bring it to Marius Venden. We had managed to trap some of the elementals a few days ago, and sent them by courier to Warden's Rise. However, I've received word from Marius Venden saying he never received them. We need to find that package and get it to Marius. Thank you for making sure we received this Wayward Package. We need every bit of help to rescue Smith's Haven. Greetings, [%CLASS]. I hope all is well. Deliver the Wayward Package to Marius Venden at Warden's Rise True Porter Chadrick Marius Venden Never 394 1800 Usable Defiant    
  Slayer of Immortals 47 Iron Pine Peak Take the Arbiter's Head to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall. The Icewatch in Whitefall must be warned of the new dangers they may face with the freeing of the Frozen Army. Take the Arbiter's Head to serve as proof of the threat. I... I would not have believed it possible had I not seen this head with my own eyes. A nightmare none of us could have imagined is coming to pass, but at least you have given us warning. I don't like the look of the days ahead, but if any of us survive, we will have you to thank for it.   Take the Arbiter's Head to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall False   Watcher Gregor Never 1126 1560 Kill      
  Dangerous Waters 50 Iron Pine Peak Sentinel Tatiana asks that you challenge and kill the Deep Freeze. Summon the beast by using the Water Summoner at the Champion's Spire in Mage's Mark. The frozen rivers of Iron Pine Peak serve as a prison to more than just Crucia. If cracks form, then all manner of vile creatures will come pouring out. It's up to heroes such as you, [%NAME], to continue plugging these cracks. Your skill is legend, [%NAME]. The very water of our frozen lakes is corrupted with evil. One of the foulest manifestations of this is the Deep Freeze. If these creatures are not contained, they could spread their corruption to every body of water on Telara. Return to Sentinel Tatiana in Whitefall True   Sentinel Tatiana Daily 4200 6600 Daily      
  A Matter of Training 4 Terminus Report to Purifier Turaz at Tempest Station for training. Your raw power is impressive, [%NAME], but to survive the fight to the Failsafe, you need a master to tell you the necessary techniques to using your skills effectively. It is time to move forward to Tempest Station. There you will find Purifier Turaz. He will be able to tell you more about channeling a patron's power to greater effect. Our relationship with our patrons is a complicated one. We do not blindly follow in the way of the Guardians. Ours is a relationship of give and take, and I will teach you how to do this efficiently and channel enormous power to devastating effect.   Report to Purifier Turaz at Tempest Station for training True Asha Catari Purifier Turaz Never 24 270 Talk Defiant    
  Workorder: Healing Tonics 23 Meridian Quartermaster Verdson wants you to craft Healing Tonics. Your coming is most fortuitous, [%NAME]. Quartermaster Verdson from Granite Falls has sent in an order for Healing Tonics, and I want a highly skilled apothecary to handle this order. Darkness has taken root in that town. I grieve for all of their suffering. These Healing Tonics're just what we need, [%NAME]. We've been battlin' disease here in Granite Falls, and are runnin' through all our stock. Have you completed the Healing Tonics yet? Deliver the goods to Quartermaster Verdson in Granite Falls False   Quartermaster Verdson Daily   1680        
  Unusual Belongings 11 Silverwood Nora Glen wants you to collect Faetouched Splinters from the boglings in Sunken Marsh, south of the Marsh House. My colleagues at Quicksilver College think I'm crazy to be conducting field research out here. The boglings have become very disagreeable lately and are resisting all my experiments. If I could study some of their belongings, I might be able to find out why. Oh my! Oh my! Now it all makes sense! I understand, and I'm terrified! These Faetouched Splinters are used in the worship of Greenscale by his minions. The boglings of Sunken Marsh must have returned to Greenscale's service. To do any kind of investigation, I need a decent sample size of Faetouched Splinters. Bring the Faetouched Splinters to Nora Glen at the Marsh House False Nora Glen Nora Glen Never 243 1440 Collect      
  Stalking Prey: Vasyu 33 Scarwood Reach Deliver Vasyu's Fang Trophy to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice. This razor sharp fang is stained with the blood of countless victims. With the reputation Vasyu had for eluding hunters, this kill should impress any hunter who hears of it. Turn the trophy in to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice to increase your standing with the hunters there. Impressive work, [%class]! I've no idea where that bat could have come from, but I know many of us here will sleep better at night knowing it is dead. Here is your token, hunter. How many more before you're done with the challenge?   Deliver Vasyu's Fang Trophy to Andrik Bogdin at Perspice False   Andrik Bogdin Always 1987 4560 Deliver Defiant    
  An Ancient Alloy 30 Meridian Kleeg Stonebreaker needs some Cobalt Bars and Titanium Bars from you. Ah, [%Name]! I found references to the metal in that sample you brought me in some old metallurgy documents. Some call it 'Darkmetal', and it was used extensively by the Eth due to it's strength and flexibility. Unfortunately, I'm running low on the constituent metals for the alloy, cobalt and titanium. If you can bring me some of each, I'd gladly share my research with you once it is complete. Ah, you're back with those bars! Let's get started then! Any luck procuring those bars, [%Name]? I won't lie, I'm pretty excited that we're going to be able to make a batch of Darkmetal to try out. Do hurry back with them! Return to Kleeg Stonebreaker in Sanctum. False Kleeg Stonebreaker Kleeg Stonebreaker Never 1260 3150 Collect      
  Bait and Switch 31 Scarwood Reach Use the Squirrel Steak Bait to summon Icka the Ill Toothed and kill her. Afterwards, bring Icka's Hide to Serge Iakov. The Huntmaster from Perspice says that a powerful feline named Icka the Ill Toothed is behind the Spice Road slayings. Use this Squirrel Steak Bait to lure her out of hiding, then kill her and bring back her hide. I see you have returned. Judging by the hide you're carrying, it's safe to assume you were successful against Icka the Ill Toothed? You're a smart [%race], [%NAME], and Matvei believes in you. Use the Squirrel Steak Bait to summon Icka the Ill Toothed, kill her, and then bring me her hide. Bring Icka's Hide to Serge Iakov at Granite Watch True Matvei Rostya Serge Iakov Never 1335 3240 Use Item Defiant    
  The Enemies of Telara 1 Guild Quest Confront the most powerful creatures within the Darkening Deeps or Foul Cascade. Though the rifts bring many invaders to our lands, Telara is full of her own monsters. I wish you to gather the force of [%GUILD_NAME] and take on the most formidable of these creatures. Ah good. Telara is a little safer because of the actions of your guild.   Return to Cardinal Esthousen in Sanctum False   Cardinal Esthousen Weekly 12 540       3
  The Ledger Doesn't Lie 36 Moonshade Highlands Raish Komarr has sent you back into the Boundary Ruins, east of Timberveil, to search the area for correspondences about the Abyssals' activities. The Abyssal have ignored all but the obvious artifacts, and even some of those are incomplete! It's as though they have no interest in the purpose of the artifacts, merely the raw magic within. We need to know more about their plans. They must have some sort of correspondences laying about the camp. These records indicate that the Abyssal are specifically searching for artifacts tainted with death magic. They have disturbed the battle scars left upon this land after the Ward fractured, unleashing this new influx of undead. We must fortify Timberveil at once. What could the Abyssal be planning? Search the Boundary Ruins for information and return it to me. Bring the Scrolls and Key to Raish Komarr in Timberveil True Raish Komarr Raish Komarr Never 1739 3690        
  Containment 39 Droughtlands Ben Kwally of Lantern Hook wants your help to destroy the plague of scarabs in Jagged Fringe to the southwest. There's been an influx of giant insects in the Droughtlands. Those bugs have killed a bunch of travelers - ripping off their limbs, chewing off their heads, and causing all kinds of trouble. The Irregulars are doing what we can, but we need some real help. You actually killed those scarabs? I don't often meet outsiders who'll risk their own hide to help others. I'm getting all teary. Can't kill a couple of bugs huh? No problem, I'm sure they won't kill too many innocent people. Don't bother yourself with other people's troubles, right? Return to Ben Kwally at Lantern Hook True Ben Kwally Ben Kwally Never 2007 3960 Kill      
  The Saga of the Endless: Trophies of Death 30 Meridian Hunt down the Endless Court forces invading Scarlet Gorge from the Plane of Death. It is up to Uriel and you to use your clever minds to figure out Alsbeth's plan. I solve things more simply, with the pointy end of my spear. It is my occupation to ensure that things that are bad die. That the more of these things come through the rifts, the more there are to fight for the doxy of the Destroyer. You should hunt them out and exterminate them. Bring me trophies from the most powerful monsters from the Plane of Death here in Scarlet Gorge. Each of these trophies represents a little bit more power removed from Alsbeth's hands. Even the very simple solutions are still solutions. Collect trophies from invaders from the Plane of Death. Speak with Dacia Ultan in Scarlet Gorge True Dacia Ultan Dacia Ultan Never 1680 4200   Defiant    
Records 1101 to 1120 of 2372

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