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Questions answered by Ausl0

best answers
0 votes
answered 13 years ago
Emergence Day is when the Locusts first attacked the humans.
2 votes
answered 13 years ago
Focus on Wager Matches, Challenges, and Contracts to rack up the experience points quickly.
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
IIRC, there's Anarchy Mode which is 4 player co-op against bots, much like Firefight or Horde mode a...
0 votes
answered 13 years ago
The Hammerburst is the weapon of choice for Locust Drones. The Riftworm is the Locust creature capa...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
It's multiplayer only in the vein of Team Fortress 2. The game isn't updated much and the community ...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
Hara Kiri's are a way to escape from the humiliation of a Fatality. Basically, when you are on the r...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
It seems to be a third person over the shoulder game like the previous MGS games but Rising is more ...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
 Developed by Epic Games Produced by Microsoft Game Studios
0 votes
answered 13 years ago
OnLive isn't associated with Xbox Live so they could have the same achievements but if you get an ac...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
They have 12+ million subscribers and it's 15 bucks a month and it's coming up on 7 years. Additiona...
0 votes
answered 13 years ago
You can no longer get a Vintage Vintage Merryweather through drops and Vintage hats were never ava...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
Atlas is my favorite solely on the fact that he has a gesture called Atlas Shrug. It's almost as if ...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
You might want to try guild wars. While you do have to buy it, there are no recurring subscription f...
0 votes
answered 13 years ago
When you first get the portal gun, you are only given the ability to use one of the portals. Valve d...
2 votes
answered 13 years ago
Pretty simple, either get the Epic edition of Bulletstorm or preorder Gears of War 3 from participat...
4 votes
answered 13 years ago
If there was a best race to choose, everyone would choose it and the game would no longer be any fun...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
The platforming in this game is set up so perfectly that when you mess up, you know that it's your f...
3 votes
answered 13 years ago
The reason why Amnesia is so scary is because you don't have a way to defend yourself. Most other ho...
1 votes
answered 13 years ago
Reshiram is restricted to Pokemon Black while Zekram is restricted to Pokemon White. You could alway...
2 votes
answered 13 years ago
It's actually called the DMR. The answer to your question is in it's name, the Designated Marksman R...