Nintendo E3 2019 Presentation

Nintendo E3 2019 Presentation

The Nintendo Direct for E3 started with Link fighting with a a Dark Marth and MetaKnight. This lead to  the reveal of first Dragon Quest character coming into the series, the Hero, from Dragon Quest XI. After a brief montage showing the moves of the Hero, we got to see 3 more Dragon Quest heroes join into the fight. This character looks to somehow be bringing in the MENU commands that Dragon Age is famous for. We can expect this release in Summer 2019.

It immediately moved into a trailer for the new Dragon Quest game. We got to see flashes of the game, getting to see it show off a period of time travel throughout the different eras of the game. Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age, Definitive Edition. The Release date given was September 27th, 2019.

After that, the presentation started with Bowser filling in for Doug Bowser after being introduced by Yoshiaki Koizumi. Doug then came on to correct Bowser. After the presidents introduction, we start with another trailer.

This lead into the trailer for Luigi's Mansion 3. We see the whole group enter the massive hotel. Luigi Poltergust -00. The trailer then showed off the new abilities of his new tool. He can grab ghosts, slam items, a burst feature to launch Luigi up and dodge attacks. There is also now Gooigi, allowing for 2 player co-op. There is also the addition of ScareScraper Mode, allowing you to work with up to 3 other players for it.

Bowser came on after that to recap and tell us more has yet to be revealed. He also mentioned that Day 3 will have promising indie games and that more information will be revealed throughout E3 on Nintendo's stream.

The next trailer was surprising, showing a Dark Crystal game. The game looks to show a tactical RPG. The Fortune Teller talks about saving Thar. This game is revealed to be The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics.

This was followed by a new trailer for Link's Awakening. This was showing some of the early gameplay in the game. Link awakening in the house, and exploring. The game does look to maintain the 2 item equipment limit. A lot of the music has been updated, but there are times that the original Gameboy tunes show through here.. It does also look to have a new mode that will allow you to build custom dungeons to get new items and unique rewards. It has a release date of September 20, 2019.

The trailer after that, it shows a game I've been waiting Decades to come over to the USA, Seiken Densetsu 3. Renamed Trials of Mana, it will be released in early 2020

This was followed by the announcement that the Secret of Mana collection will be available later today in the Nintendo E-Shop. This offers the full original Mana trilogy in a remastered format. This collection includes Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana and the translated Super Famicom game: Trials of Mana.

The next trailer was for the Witcher. It is finally coming to Switch. Coming in later in 2019. This will be the complete collection for the Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.

After that was a trailer for the next Fire Emblem game. It appears to start with a reunion of class mates, but the global conflict intrudes into the happiness of the event otherwise. The animation style holds over from the previous games and continues to serve the story very well. Fire Emblem: Three Houses will release on July 26th, 2019.

Next the Japanese President came on to talk about the versatility of the Switch and being able to play it anywhere you want. They then talked about playing Resident Evil in a Haunted House, or at least an abandoned one. We get to see cuts between the 2 players and what is happening in the game and around them. This is looking to be the release of Resident Evil 0, 1,4,5 on the Switch in Fall 2019.

The next trailer started with a very meta bit. A man wearing a neck brace was talking about the happenings in front of him, with strangely shaped ships hanging in the air. He summons a suit of mecha armor after his clothes simply burst off him. After doing massive damage to the ship and quickly destroying a small squad of other Mech warriors, we get to see Travis Touchdown of No More Heroes. From there, Travis was very meta about the game starting. It will be coming out in 2020.

We got a new Contra game after that. A top down third person shoot 'em up. Contra: Rogue Corps. It will have a variety of different playable characters with unique abilities to use. We were introduced to Kaiser (a headcase), NB (Cuddly) is a cyborg Panda in the Rogue Corps, Ms Hari Kari and her Gut Bucket who fuse together during the Alien Wars, and the Gentleman (A cultured and proper alien who joined the Rogue Corps).  It has a release date of September 24th, 2019. It will support local co-op wireless multiplayer and online multiplayer as well.

Contra collection available today in the e-shop. This has 10 Contra games in a massive collection. It will have at least: Contra, Super C, Contra 3: The Alien Wars, Super Contra, Contra (Gameboy), Operation C, Contra Hard Corps, Probotector, and Super Probotector: Alien Rebels. It will also feature a 74 page ebook as well.

Daemon X Machina. This trailer showed off the gameplay remains very impressively to see. The cell-shaded style worked perfected for it. It has a release date Sept 13, 2019.

Next was a trailer for the remake of Panzer Dragoon coming to the Switch. Getting this trailer is a massive confirmation of rumors that have been circulating for a long while. The graphics have come a long ways from their Sega Saturn polygonal origins, looking much better on the modern generation. It has a release window of this Winter.

Shinya Takahasi came on next to talk about Pokemon Sword and Shield. He recapped about the direct where we got to see a preview of the new region, and we were reminded of the November 15th, 2019 release date. He alluded about the additional functionality that the Pokeball Plus has with the game. It will allow for you to walk around the real world with one of your Pokemon to help its happiness and undoubtedly gain other benefits.

From there, a new trailer started. This next trailer showed humans taking over in a desperate fight against digital creatures coming to destroy the human world. This is Astral Chain. August 30th, 2019. This is a new game from Platinum Games. Expect some collection aspects and some very good platforming in it.

The next trailer started with the destruction rewinding. This changing to things being shown in a top down third person game. You are working as a Mafioso, likely with a group. All this was set to swing style number. This is the Empire of Sin, releasing in 2020.

From there it changed to the new Marvel Alliance game, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. A number of known villains talk about the infinity stones. A massive cast of Marvel Heroes and villains are shown. It looks like it will also focus on the Infinity Stones and Thanos. It has a release date ofJuly 19, 2019. The expansion pass will add new teams into the game: the Fantastic Four, X-men, and Marvel Knights. These will be added in Fall 2019.

The next game was from the same studio as Crypt of the Necrodancer. This one is a very much in the same style, set to the Zelda music with the appropriate tweaks to fit into the world of Necrodancer. Expect some great tunes for this game: Candace of Hyrule. It has a release date of June 13, 2019. it was great seeing Link and Zelda drawn in the Necrodancer style.

After that was the next Mario Vs. Sonic at the Olympic games for the coming Summer games. This time the game will be unique to the Nintendo Switch. This is a big chance given that normally this games have been released on most gaming platforms. This game will be available in November 2019.

Next was some additional information on games people have been waiting for. After that, it was immediately clear it was a trailer for a new Animal Crossing Game. The game retains its trademark look and shows a number of improvements coming forward onto the switch for this getaway style of game. We get to see the Villager traveling around in a variety of places, camping out and working with other Villages. That and Tom Nook taking you for a lot of bells. Animal Crossing: New Horizons, March 20, 2020. This delay is to ensure the quality of the game.

After that was a highlight reeling showing a number of games: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy (September 3rd, 2019), Hollowknight: Silk Song (Coming Soon), No Ni Kuni: Wreath of the White Witch (September 20th, 2019), Minecraft Dungeons (Spring 2020), Elder Scrolls Blades (Fall 2019), My Friend Pedro (June 20th, 2019), Doom Eternal (Coming Soon), The Sinking City (Fall 2019), Wolfenstein: Youngblood (July 26th, 2019), Dead By Daylight (September 24th, 2019), Alien Isolation (2019), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles S (This Winter), Dragon Quest Builders 2 (July 12, 2019), Stranger Things 3 The Game (July 4th, 2019), Just Dance 2020 (November 5th, 2019), Catan (June 20th, 2019), New Super Lucky's Tale (Fall 2019),  Dauntless (Late 2019), and Super Mario Maker 2 (June 28th, 2019).

After that was a new trailer for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It showed the trio from DKC sleeping before a crown rolled through. After that, a new character was revealed. Banjo Kazooie, who was a taunting Duck Hunt Dog before the duo make their proper appearance. With Banjo Kazooie are now confirmed for coming into Smash. It was clear that he team work aspect of the games will be on full display there. They will be joining the battle in Fall 2019. These are some Rare characters that many people have been waiting for.

The final trailer was for a new Zelda game that looks to be taking place shortly after the events of Breath of the Wild. It shares the art style and the same Link and Zelda. Then the trailer confirmed that it was a sequel to Breath of the Wild. This is very unique in the Zelda history. There have only been a few sequels throughout its whole history: Zelda 2, Link's Awakening, Spirit Tracks, Majora's Mask. It will very interesting to see another one added to this short list.

Overall, it was great year for Nintendo's presentation. We are all exited about what is coming on the Switch this year.

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