Do you need to play Borderlands 1 in order to understand Borderlands 2?

Discussion in 'Borderlands 2' started by QuestBeater, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. QuestBeater Member

    do I need to play the original Borderlands in order to be able to understand whats going on in Borderlands 2?
  2. inovapor Member

    nah, usually when a software developer makes a sequel they don't require you to have played the previous games, it should be good as a standalone

    although Borderlands 1 was an awesome game so you should try it anyway
  3. Actually, I have played Borderlands 1 when it released and I like it. Now I am waiting for its next series Borderlands 2 that will be release on 18th September, 2012. I saw the trailer of Borderlands 2 and from that trailer I don't think new player need to play previous version to understand coming up next version of Borderlands.

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