GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Traitors Gate Cheats and Codes

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  Traitors Gate PC Tip 1 Note dates of births and deaths. These figure prominently in some passwords.
  Traitors Gate PC Tip 4 Although there's a time limit, it's unlikely you'll run out of time. But if you feel rushed while you're exploring, you might want to save the game when you come to a new area, explore at your leisure to figure out what to do, and then reload to run through the necessary actions before moving on.
  Traitors Gate PC Tip 2 Be sure to read the Equipment screen for details about how to use your equipment. Figuring out the Audio-Sensor can be an absolute nightmare, so if you run into a safe, you might want to remember the following: counterclockwise 3, clockwise 1, counterclockwise 4.
  Traitors Gate PC Tip 3 You can pick up many items in Traitors Gate that you don't need, so your inventory will get crowded after you've explored for a while. Periodically cycle through the items you've picked up to see whether anything might be useful.

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