GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Spaceway 2000 Cheats and Codes

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  Spaceway 2000 PC Choose Your Own Fore Weapon For full version CODE 5, offset 247C change "302D CE80" to "4E71 000x" Where "x" is on of the following: 1. normal gun 2. mines 3. smart bombs 4. homing mines 5. enemy freeze 6. super speed
  Spaceway 2000 PC Unlimited Fore Weapons For full version CODE 5, offset 2532 change "536D CE88" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 253C change "422D CB93" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 2630 change "6700 00AA" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 266E change "536D CE88" to "4E71 4E71"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Unlimited Aft Weapons For full version CODE 5, offset 2736 change "536D CE96" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 2782 change "6700 01E0" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 27A8 change "6F1E" to "4E71" CODE 5, offset 27BE change "536D CE96" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 27D6 change "601C" to "4E71" CODE 5, offset 2856 change "6F00 010C" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 289C change "6F00 00C6" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 28B8 change "6700 00AA" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 28F6 change "536D CE96" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 2956 change "536D CE96" to "4E71 4E71" CODE 5, offset 35AC change "536D CE96" to "4E71 4E71"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Unlimited Time For full version CODE 5, offset 20B4 change "4EBA 20A2" to "4E71 4E71"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Unlimited Shields For full version CODE 5, offset 309A change "4E56 0000" to "6000 008A"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Choose Your Own Aft Weapon For full version) CODE 5, offset 270A change "302D CE8E" to "4E71 000x" Where "x" is on of the following: 1. normal gun 2. mines 3. smart bombs 4. homing mines 5. enemy freeze 6. super speed
  Spaceway 2000 PC Turbo Speed Option go in low gear, unless you have the reflexes of a Cray. CODE 5, offset 20D6 change "6EE8" to "4E71"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Rapid Fire Fore Weapons For full version if Fore is on, Aft won't work as the bullet buffer is full. CODE 5, offset 2AB2 change "6712" to "4E71"
  Spaceway 2000 PC Rapid Fire Aft Weapons For Full Version if Aft is on, Fore won't work as the bullet buffer is full. CODE 5, offset 2AF0 change "6712" to "4E71"

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