GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Sanity Aikens Artifact Cheats and Codes

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  Sanity Aikens Artifact PC Unlock All Single Player Levels To activate the following cheat code, in the single player part of Sanity hit the ENTER key which will bring up the chat window box. Now enter the cheat code exactly as it appears here and when completely entered press the ENTER key again. Enter mpshipit into the chat window box and press the ENTER key to make all single player levels available to play. After you enter the cheat code press the ESC key or click Menu on the Active Talent Bar to bring up the Game Menu. From here select Main Menu and then select Single Player. Now select Chapters and then choose the chapter you want to play (chapters 1 to 6). Finally select the name of the level you want to play and get right into the game.
  Sanity Aikens Artifact PC Invincibility To activate the following cheat code, in the single player part of Sanity hit the ENTER key which will bring up the chat window box. Now enter the cheat code exactly as it appears here and when completely entered press the ENTER key again. Enter mptedthehead into the chat window box and press the ENTER key. When this cheat is activated Agent Cain will lose no health points when attacked and will not lose his sanity when using Talents. This cheat will not keep you alive if you fall however so you'll still want to save often with this cheat on.
  Sanity Aikens Artifact PC 100% Santity, Health And Essential Items To activate the following cheat code, in the single player part of Sanity hit the ENTER key which will bring up the chat window box. Now enter the cheat code exactly as it appears here and when completely entered press the ENTER key again. Enter mpjuiceme into the chat window box and press the ENTER key. Back in the game you'll notice that your Sanity and Health meters are at 100% and you will also find all the items you need in the game.

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