GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Mario Artist Talent Studio (Import) Cheats and Codes

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  Mario Artist Talent Studio (Import) NES/SNES/N64 Interact With Talent Movies Nintendo included a neat little undocumented feature in Talent Studio. When you watch your creation perform in the many premade talent movies, you can use the Z Button to participate. The action triggered by the Z Button is different for every movie. For example, in the storm movie it triggers lightning, in the volleyball movie it lets you throw balls and in the dance movies it usually changes the beat. Enjoy.
  Mario Artist Talent Studio (Import) NES/SNES/N64 Virtual Yamauchi The creators of Talent Studio have hidden a fun little movie on the game disk. To find it, go to the Movie Creator mode, click on the load button and look through the user directories. You will find a Nintendo-created Talent movie starring none other than NCL's big boss. If you play back the clip, this virtual, big-headed Yamauchi will deliver a speech about Talent Studio and the 64DD (complete with bloopers). Enjoy.

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