GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. Cheats and Codes

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  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Opponent Pitches See Opponent's Pitches- Here's something useful: Press R on the second controller during a one player mode to see the opponent's pitching status and pitches.
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Opponent Pitches Know Opponent's Pitch-To find out where the other player is aiming his pitch, simply press and hold bunt. The pitcher's target will appear and your bat will follow it. Release bunt when the pitcher throws the ball and hit it normally. Don't do this with a human player, as you are likely to get punched..
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Spin Title Baseball Spin Title Baseball-At the title screen hold Z to make the baseball in the logo stop spinning. Keep holding Z and then move the joystick to make the baseball rotate however you like. It's a useless trick, but a fun one.
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 See Ending See Ending (Win World Series)-Go to an Exhibition game and pick your teams. When picking the stadium you want to play in, press all four C-Buttons many times. You will hear a chime if you've done it correctly. Then press The Z-Button to view the stadium. Instead of showing the stadium, you will get to see the ending of the game, just as if you have just won the world series. Unhittable Pitch Place the cross hair anywhere in the strikezone except inside the yellow hitting circle. Holding the cross hair where you want it, press Z and then Left-, Right-, or Up-C to look at one of the bases. Release the Z button first, then release the C-Button, bringing you back to looking at the batter. There should now be no cross hair or hitting circle. Now throw whatever pitch you want and the computer will swing and miss or watch it go by for a strike. I suggest throwing change ups-so your pitcher doesn't get as fatigued.
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Secret Teams Secret Teams-Highlight 'Exhibition' on the first baseball (menu) that pops up. Now simultaneously press all four C buttons. Do this many times and you will hear a beep. Then go to the All-Star teams and there will be two new teams: Nintendo and Angel Studios. Key Nintendo executives are actual players on the Nintendo team.
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Move Logo Move title screen logo-At the title screen hold Z to make the baseball in the logo stop spinning. Keep holding Z and then move the joystick to make the baseball rotate however you like. It's a useless trick, but a fun one.
  Major League Baseball Starring Ken Griffey JR. N64 Shoot Fireworks Shoot fireworks in View Stadium-When you get into the "View Stadium" mode by pressing the Z button while choosing your stadium, you can shoot fire works by pressing the Z and R button at the same time. The fireworks shoot near home plate. This code works in every stadium. 1

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