GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Kings Bounty Cheats and Codes

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  Kings Bounty PC Tips In the beginning of the game, try to find the various maps. They will enable you to find the treasure chests needed to build up your leadership skills. When you can, travel to a new continent and you can obtain more leadership abilities Using the vast amounts of money you can obtain through the higher level continents.
  Kings Bounty PC The Password Dialog Will Never Show Up CODE 2, offset 47E4 change "4EBA FB96" to "4E71 4E71" (hack for 1.01) search for "4EBA FB96" change to "4E71 4E71"
  Kings Bounty PC Warp To A Continent Even Go to go to new continent then you type in the first letter of the name of the continent that you want to warp to ("s" for Saharia; "a" for Archiplegra; "f" for Forestia). you will then warp to that continent even if you can't legally. This can help a lot in a beginning game because you can just warp to say Archiplegra buy lots of time stop spells and then run around getting large amounts of gold/leadership. *Note: Using this code lets you warp to a continent even if you dont have the map for it.

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