GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Final Fantasy (Import) Cheats and Codes

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  Final Fantasy (Import) NES/SNES/N64 World Map To bring up the world map at any time, simply hold down A, then press START. The top option on the map screen lets you zoom in closer. The rest of the text links help you locate towns, caves, castles, etc.
  Final Fantasy (Import) NES/SNES/N64 Mysterious Key Uses Once you give Matouya's medicine to the Elf King, you'll get your hands on a key that gives you access to all kinds of cool treasures. Here are all the areas where you can use the Shinpi no Kagi (Mysterious Key): Cornelia Castle (Kouneria no Shiro) Chaos Shrine (Kaosu no Shinden) Elf Castle (Erufu no Shiro) Western Castle (Nishi no Shiro) Swamp Cave (Numa no Doukutsu) Dwarf Cave (Dowaafu no Doukutsu)

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