GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Cheats and Codes

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  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Bypass dialogue Press B before a move is made during a battle.
  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Super attack Hold A when your character pulls back a weapon when attacking. Release A after the attack does damage.
  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Alternate ending sequence Successfully complete the game twice to display a congratulations screen.
  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Hint: Unlimited Naolin Gold On the 15th floor of the Society Dungeon is a room with three pillars that you can knock down with Mag's hand. Near the wall is a box that contains Naolin Gold every time you enter the dungeon.
  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Hint: Wake up from Sleep spell Repeatedly press A if you are under the Sleep spell to wake up quicker.
  Evolution 2: Far Off Promise Sega Dreamcast Hint: Evolution reference Successfully complete the original Evolution game and have a save file from it on the same VMU as your Evolution 2 save file. When you get your first assignment from SOCIETY, the man you get it from will tell you Mag's level that he is currently at in the original Evolution, and the girl will say that Mag is in huge debt from the first game ($200,000).

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