GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Escape Velocity Cheats and Codes

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  Escape Velocity PC Gambling Holding down the space bar when gambling substantially improves your luck for the first three rolls.
  Escape Velocity PC Forklift To receive the forklift, option-click the title screen so you get the EV/MST3K theme. Wait until ""-MCB 4:35 A.M."" shows up, then hold down control-command-option-shift-"F". You'll hear the theme song They'll try to kill, I'm with a forklift!. The loaded pilot file receives the forklift. Another nifty thing you can do is buy a Kestrel, get the forklift and then purchase five proton blasters. This gives you a Rapid-fire forklift
  Escape Velocity PC Forklift When you are at the menu screen, hold down "Alt" and click the Escape Velocity Title on the top of the screen. When you get the special moovie, there is a little thing at the end that says "MCB 1:53 AM" or something that looks like that. When you see it, Hold "Ctrl, Command, Alt, Shift-F" and you will here them say, "They'll try to kill em' with a forklift" and the loaded pilot will get the forklift. The forklift is a powerfull weapon much like the torpedo, and will kill anything less than a kestral in one HIT!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!
  Escape Velocity PC Play A Faster Game Turn [Caps Lock] on to play a faster game.
  Escape Velocity PC Increased Number Of Fighters On Patrol Launch all available fighters from two or more fighter bays. Then order them all to return. After the first craft has docked at the bay, order the rest to stop. Launch the fighter that has returned. More fighters will be launched from the bays.
  Escape Velocity PC Display "Happy Birthday Matt" Message Set the Macintosh system date to June 30 and load game.
  Escape Velocity PC Escape From Pirate Attacks Press A + O + L (case-sensitive) during game.
  Escape Velocity PC Haikus Clutter Window Press "X" at the title screen. A window will open with a bunch of Haikus on it.
  Escape Velocity PC Expand Fighter Capacity After gaining possession of a Kestrel, demand contributions from planets that use Lightenings for defense.
  Escape Velocity PC Hear A Message Hold [Option] + M + B and click on the title screen.
  Escape Velocity PC Increase Your Odds Of Winning Hold [Space bar] during the first three rolls.
  Escape Velocity PC Satellite Of Love Press S + O + L (case-sensitive) at the title screen. The Satellite of Love will appear at the 20th shipyard you visit. *Note: This code is for the registered version of the game.
  Escape Velocity PC Special Missile Launcher Purchase a missile launcher with ammunition. Leave the planet and select the missiles. Then return to the planet and sell the missile launcher. It will fire missiles more rapidly.
  Escape Velocity PC View Lyrics Hold [Option] + [Command] + [Shift] and click at the top of the title screen.
  Escape Velocity PC Hint: Turret If you have any type of turret, preferably neutron, you can keep switching targets when conquering a planet and following them and you can kill anything. How to attack the Alien Cruiser Use the tractor beam when attacking the Alien Cruiser. It keeps it from turning and makes it easy to destroy. You can also destroy the fighters this way, only you need a fast, powerful ship, like the Rebel Cruiser or Destroyer. When fighting the Alien Battle-Cruiser, stay away from the front end of the ship. Continue to circle it while pounding it with fire. Also, ignore the fighters. They seem to be indestructible.
  Escape Velocity PC Neutron Blaster If you sell a secondary weapon while it is selected as your weapon of choice, you will still be able to use this weapon until you change secondary weapons. Apparently, there is a special bonus when this is applied to the neutron blaster. If you have the mass and money you should go to the nearest planet where there is a in the outfit. Buy it, and go out of the planet and switch to the . Now go to the planet again and sell the weapon. Go out into space and hold down the fire button and then you'll see that then gun has been improved ten times more than before. Do not switch weapons if you still want to have the remained. If you die the weapon has been terminated from your ship. You can save if its necessary.
  Escape Velocity PC Mass Expansions Before buying a new ship, to create extra space with more mass expansions than are allowed, you need to hire as many light freighters as you can. Buy a new ship and find the nearest planet with the mass expansion upgrade. You should be able to use all the available cargo space to expand your ship. The only drawback is that it removes your own cargo space while you retain your escorts.
  Escape Velocity PC Fighter Bays You can over-stuff your fighter bays by repeatedly unloading them and then landing and buying more. When you're done, an option-"C" will collect them all for you. There is a natural limit involved here of some 33 ships out, after which they start disappearing when you try to unload any more.
  Escape Velocity PC Planetary Defences If you own a Kestrel, a great way to either rake in the dough or expand your fighter capacity is to demand tribute from planets that utilise Lightnings for planetary defence. Any lightnings that are disabled can easily be boarded and taken as tribute for your own use or resale.
  Escape Velocity PC Sacking Sol Buying and selling certain items (like armour) in the Sol system is more lucrative than meets the eye; you will receive more credits when selling a particular item than what you originally paid for it
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