GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
CyClones Cheats and Codes

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  CyClones PC Cheat Mode start the game with the following command line paramaters: "CYCLONES 8335791" then add the desired cheats: -Dx where x equals one of the following: E (easy M (medium) H (guess) -W# where # equals: The number of weapons you want (ie. -W2 will give you weapons one and two) -L# where # equals the level number you want to start at note: levels 9, 17, 18, 20, & 24 are not real levels. specify map (use file name found in the directory (.MAP)) -A# where # equals 1, 2, or 3 starts the game with that weapon armed. 1= sabre 2= saw glove 3= Nano Hand -J start with a fully charged jump jet. example: CYCLONES 8335791-DE -W3 -L21-A3 -J difficulty= easy. Start with weapons 1, 2, and 3, at level 21 with the Nano Hand armed and a fully charged jump jet.

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