GameShampoo Video Game Cheats and Codes
Chuck Yeagers Air Combat Cheats and Codes

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  Chuck Yeagers Air Combat PC Remove The Two-Minute Time Limit * CODE 4, offset 02A4 (or 02A0) change "6400 1110" to "4E71 4E71" * CODE 4, offset 145E (or 1458) change "650C" to "600C"
  Chuck Yeagers Air Combat PC Hints 1. Always attack bombers from underneath. 2. The gun or missile that you have the least of is always the most powerful. 3. Never fly a MIG 21 4. All prop planes have better turning capability than jets ,if you can avoid getting hit by a jets (slashing attacks) you'll kill them every time as they move away from you. 5. the aim-7 sparrow will only maintain a lock given 2 things: You have to be in range (or you can just send a whole crap load o' missiles over without a lock just to see if they hit and if they do, enjoy watching the destroyed plane nose-dive into the ground). You can't move: if you turn the plane you can't expect the missile to hit.
  Chuck Yeagers Air Combat PC Remove Copy Protection Dialog (hack for 1.0) * CODE 9, offset 44C4 change "4E56" to "4E75" (hack for 1.0) * CODE 2, offset 1C6A change "4EAD 08FA" to "4E71 4E71" (hack for 1.0) * CODE 2, offset 4742 change "B033" to "B034"

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