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list of all seeds in terraria?

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asked 12 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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2 Answers

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I know of these:

Daybloom Seeds
Moonglow Seeds
Blinkroot Seeds
Waterleaf Seeds
Fireblossom Seeds
dunno if there are more
hope this helps smiley
answered 12 years ago by anonymous  
0 votes
Blinkroot seeds - found in caves and dark areas i think - harvested by cutting blink root while in bloom.

Fireblossom- found in the Underworld which is the lowest area in the map and very dangerous but has good rewards. - harvested from fireblossoms while they are in lava( thats the only way they bloom) they grow on ash blocks.

waterleaf seeds- found from cutting water leaf while in water- grows on sand and can be found naturally in the desert.

Deathweed seeds- found in the Corruption growing on ebonstone and sometimes corrupted grass. the seeds can be rather annoying to get because the plants only yield seeds during a Blood Moon.

Daybloom Seeds- they are found commonly in the "regular" terraria biome growing on normal grass. they can be harvested during the day.

Moonglow seeds- they are found growing in the Jungle biome and only yield seeds during the night. they are easier to spot because they glow during the night.

Jungle Grass Seeds- found by cutting down jungle grass- not really usefull except for making green dye which is an item needed for crafting the Hero Outfit. it grows on mudblocks.

Mushroom Seeds- you may have seen purple colored grass in the deeper part of caverns which is actually mushcroom grass which spawns glowing mushrooms which are used to make Healing potions. they may also spawn giant tree like mushrooms which simply yield more glowing mushrooms when cut down. you get them from cutting the tall grass from the mud blocks. PS they also only grow when below surface level so if you want to farm them dig a small ditch in the ground

Corrupted Seeds- obtained from eye of cthulu which grow corrupted grass which is used to make an artificial corruption. can be used to make a vile mushroom farm. they can also be bought from the driad on a blood moon.

Acorn- when cutting down a leafy tree or bought from the driad they can be planted to gow trees as long as they have enough space.

Seeds- they are used as ammo for the Blowpipe (low leveled ranged weapon commonly found in chests) they can be found by cutting tall grass while the Blowpipe is in your inventory.

these seeds (besides the seeds used for ammo and grass seeds) can all be placed in pots instead of the blocks they naturally grow on to grow them instead. although to get more seeds they still need to meet the harvest requirements. water leaf submerged in water daybloom at day and fire blossom in lava.

sorry its kinda long hope it helps. =D
answered 12 years ago by anonymous  

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