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Notice: gPotato password policy changes - email from g-potato - real or fake?

+1 vote

i got this email from gpotato can someone confirm if its real or just a phishing attempt because it says not to click links on html emails but then it gives me a link to reset my password does it think i am stupid??

Dear User,

In light of recent news regarding the massive compromise of other gaming network's account information we here at the gPotato Game Portal wanted to take a moment and remind you that we take privacy and account security very seriously.

Since we began our game service, we have taken every step to make sure your personal data stays private. We have always gone to great lengths to assure that any data we retain is secured, encrypted and private. We want to remind you, and our more than 10 million users, that all your information is safe with us.

In an effort to remain at the highest level of account security, we have taken steps to ensure that the recent information leak in other networks does not affect our users at all.

As of May 15th, the gPotato Game Portal has changed its password policy. We have reset and randomized the passwords of accounts inactive for 6 months or more. No other information has been changed, and all your previous characters remain for all our available games. If you had any remaining gPotato currency, it will also remain untouched. After the initial change, you will be required to change your password once every 120 days if you wish to continue accessing your account.

If you wish to regain access to your account, please visit this website:

Note: When resetting your password, you will be required to click an emailed verification link. Please make sure you have added the domain to your safe sender list.

If you no longer have access to your email address, or do not remember your account ID. Please email us:

You will be required to verify some information so please be sure to include your full name and year of birth.

Furthermore, we'd like to give you some tips on account security to prevent any possible loss of security.

  1. When resetting, or choosing a password, avoid actual words, and make sure you include at combination of upper and lowercase letter(ABC, xyz), numbers(1,2,3), and symbols(!@#$)
  2. Make sure you use a different password for every account you use. A good way to do this is add a tag to the end of your password Example: your password for gPotato could be "P4$sw0rd^GP2001" while your password for your email account could be "P4$sw0rd^EM2002"
  3. Never share your password with anyone for any reason! Not only is it a violation of the terms of service, but it is also the #1 cause of account compromise!
  4. Do not click links or open html rich emails unless they are from a trusted sources. Many hijackers, viruses and keyloggers can be installed by simply visiting a site with encoded script. No need to do anything but visit the page. Many web browsers have plug-ins which helps prevent abuse. We recommend Fire Fox and the add on No Script, available here: and here:
  5. When entering your password on any website, make sure the URL is accurate. You should never have to enter your gPotato password on any website that does not have "". This technique, used by account stealers, is called "phishing" for more information on "phishing" click here:
  6. Always have an up to date antivirus program active on your computer. A free antivirus program is available here:
  7. Do not install programs unless from trusted sources, it is very easy to install a key logger or Trojan virus in programs without your knowledge this way.
  8. For the highest level of personal account security, you can consider using password storage program such as Keepass, available here:
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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1 Answer

0 votes
Thing that gets me that I wondered about was that it stated it needs your full date of birth and full name Personally I don't feel comfortable giving that out to a site like Gpotato. I did go to their forget password page and it let me change my password and login (but not from the email link but from the home page of Gpotato) I don't remember it asking for either a DOB or name.........
answered 13 years ago by anonymous  

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