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should i arrest frank morgan la noire

+1 vote
currently working as a traffic detective in LA Noire and am assigned to the drivers seat case

I interrogated Frank Morgan and it seems like he helped Adrian Black commit the crime

my partner thinks I should book him?

should I put Frank Morgan under arrest or let him go?
asked 12 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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Ha funny I just searched for the question and I get your question just worded differently LOL so if anybody else is reading this what should we do ???????

2 Answers

0 votes
I didn't arrest him,. I just let him walk, and it didn't seem to affect the case in any positive or negative way, that I can tell.
answered 12 years ago by anonymous  
what happens if u do arrest him?
0 votes
i let him go. Doesn't seem like anything happens either way... although im sure theres something it affects somewhere knowing games these days
answered 12 years ago by anonymous  

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